Scenic Paths and Trails

Vibram Walking Trail

This scenic trail loops our secluded Lower Pond. Stop at a pier and scan the shoreline for native wildlife. From sunfish, to turtles basking in the sun, and even an occasional visit from a Great Blue Heron, our Lower Pond attracts a variety of animal inhabitants and visitors.

A Japanese-style water pavilion at the opposite end of the pond provides a perfect spot to rest and reflect. Wheelchair accessible to the pier, past the pier terrain is uneven. Trail signage soon to be updated in spring 2019 thanks to a generous sponsorship from Vibram.

Timescape Trail

Trace thousands of years of history in geologic, lichen and human time in this short walk in the woods on the edge of our site. Then cross the driveway to the Meadow Trail to compare the two habitats. Do you hear different birds? See different insects?

Meadow Trail

Stroll through a native New England meadow, filled with the plants that grew in the area before European settlement. Keep a sharp eye for wild butterflies, birds, bugs and other creatures that live there. The meadow, planted in summer 2000, is a healthy example of a southern New England meadow ecosystem.